Stable Enough

Life is different on this side of the game.  Labor Day marks a year since my husband’s last at bat, and now we embrace a new kind of crazy. During our years traveling and chasing the dream, I had prayed constantly to God for stability. Even though I knew God should be enough, I guess I just assumed that a certain team or city would provide an extra dose of security for our family. What I have learned is this: God is always stable enough, no matter the location or situation.

We look back at baseball with such fondness. Of course, there are things we don’t miss (certain minor league motels come to mind!). Oh, but the places we have seen and experienced, and the friendships that endure despite distance are proof that it was all well worth the blood, sweat, and tears.  I’ve secretly wept as my husband would run gracefully with our boys, knowing I won’t again watch him compete as the gritty and gifted professional athlete.  Yet now I celebrate that we have the experience and wisdom to guide young couples facing the tribulations of distance, and even our own boys who may one day want to venture down the path of Dad…bless their and our hearts!

God is stable.  He was with us in baseball in the form of chaplains, teammates, doctors, ticket and parking attendants, and neighbors who are our brothers and sisters in Christ.  He’s with us now as we venture to little league or high school ball fields and encourage those who supported us from home. God’s stability isn’t in a team or city—it’s not in our health or jobs or homes or bank accounts or amount of playtime. God’s stability is evident in His people. It’s our calling to encourage those still playing the game through our experiential wisdom, and to offer love and patience to those who will soon be playing their last game and undoubtedly will miss parts desperately (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

May we enjoy the stability and security of our savior wherever our paths lead us…. “For God is good, and His love is eternal and His faithfulness endures through all generations,” (Psalm 100:5).

Suggested Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5

Referenced Verse:

  • Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.         1 Thessalonians 5:11


**Picture is of Wade, JW, and myself during our last Spring Training (2015) with the Detroit Tigers at Joker Marchant Stadium in Lakeland, FL.

***Post updated from original version as written for the women’s devotionals for Baseball Chapel.

Author: Neena

Neena is a Kentucky wife, mother, and beekeeper. Her first novel, THE BIRD AND THE BEES, is a Christian contemporary romance available now. Visit her at

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